Welcome to our middle schools!

Our middle school curriculum encourages students to think critically, develop claims, debate ideas, and to always support opinions with evidence.

Middle school students enjoy a challenging and immersive academic program that prepares them for success in both high school and college. Students also have access to extracurricular opportunities that help them develop confidence, creativity, and independence.

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Our Academic Approach

In English Language Arts classes, we use a balance of close reading, guided reading, and independent reading to build student mastery of fiction and nonfiction texts. Our literacy curriculum presents students with texts that provide meaningful exposure to important periods in history, as well as contemporary works that are must-reads for kids today.  As a result, our middle school students gain insight into critical issues by grappling with texts that challenge thinking and provoke constructive debate.

In math and science courses, students balance skill mastery with deep conceptual understanding of math and a curiosity to learn more about the world around them. We urge students to explain their reasoning, debate different approaches, and describe how they arrived at an answer. In science, we utilize cross-cutting concepts to help kids recognize patterns, explain phenomena, and see the infinite connectedness of our world. Our Amplify Science curriculum melds technology with hands-on components, building on kids’ natural curiosity about the world around them.


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